Infusion vitamin C and oxygen therapy

Reduce fatigue, boost immunity, improve skin condition - try modern healing and regeneration methods.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the action of free  radicals. It plays the key role in proper functioning of our immune system, but also in the formation of ligaments, collagen renewal, and theremoval of harmful substances from the body.

Increased consumption of this vitamin occurs with increased physical stress, stress, acute and chronic diseases or cancer.

Try an infusion therapy to instantly kick-start your immunity, reduce fatigue and increase your resistance to viral infections and stress.

Recommended treatment with vitamin C in infusions:

  • Repeated infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract ( in viruses, colds),
  • Viral or bacterial infections such as Lyme disease, recurrent herpes (herpes zoster), infectious mononucleosis,
  • Postoperatively - accelerates wound healing,
  • Post COVID-19,
  • Histamine intolerance,
  • Oncological diseases,
  • Rheumatic and degenerative diseases of the joints or spine,
  • Athletes with high physical stress,
  • Depression, burnout syndrome, fatigue syndrome,
  • Improves skin condition - promotes collagen production inthe skin,

Administration of high-dose infusion vitamin C is notrecommended for patients with a history of:

  • Hypersensitivity to ascorbic acid,
  • Kidney disease (chronic kidney disease, kidney stones),
  • Thalassemia, hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anemia,
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers,
  • Patients on concomitant antiplatelet therapy.

Oxygen therapy is a therapeutic and regenerative method based on inhalation of an increased concentration of oxygen.

It has a beneficial effect on physical and mental fitness, strengthens the immune system. It acts on the whole organism, not only on the affected organs. It also works as a prevention of diseases.

When there is a lack of oxygen in the body, the organism suffers from an energy deficit. This condition can be quickly and effectively reversed by an intensive supply of oxygen, which will give the capillaries and consequently the tissues of the whole organism the necessary vitality. The importance of inhaling concentrated oxygen lies in slowing down the process of physical and mental aging. The positive effects of oxygen therapy can also befelt, for example, by athletes, students or pregnant women.

In order to achieve the desired effects, it is recommended to undergo oxygen therapy - inhalation of humidified oxygen - several times. The minimum recommended effective frequency is 5 - 10 sessions. One session lasts 30 minutes.

The client inhales concentrated oxygen using an inhalation mask or nasal cannula.

Effects of oxygen therapy:

  • Strengthens immunity and cleanses the body of toxins,
  • Relieves fatigue, improves metabolism,
  • It is especially suitable for people with respiratoryproblems - with asthma and bronchitis,
  • It improves body functions, which is important especially for elderly people, pregnant women or young people in development,
  • It improves physical and mental performance as well asconcentration,
  • Improves the condition after overcoming an illness or duringits acute stage,
  • Increases muscle and brain performance, improves blood circulation to tissues and organs,
  • It is also effective for migraines and headaches,
  • Slows down the aging process - it also acts on the skin inthe process of smoothing wrinkles,
  • Extends life in a fundamental way (scientific studies).
Infusion vitamin C and oxygen therapy